Pre & Post-Injection Care: How To Avoid Those Pesky Bruises

We know that preparation and post-op care is the key to avoiding bruising after any procedure. But what can you do both before and after your injections to ensure that you’re taking the best care possible? We’ve outlined some key tips to help you avoid bruising after injections.

1. Hydrate and Fuel!

Often times, patients come in dehydrated and hungry on the day of their appointment. It’s important that you monitor your water intake prior to the appointment and ensure that you are consuming enough food (no empty stomach’s here). Why, you might ask. Well, a couple of reasons. You run the risk of fainting if you are hungry or thirsty, and you might feel nauseous if you haven’t had enough to eat. Bottom line: chug that H20 and have a sizable meal before coming in for injections, and you’re well on your way to a speedy recovery!

2. Supplement, supplement, supplement!

“How can I heal faster?” That’s one of the most common questions we hear from our patients. One way is to supplement with Arnica. This supplement promotes natural healing and comes in many forms: gel, cream, stick, tablet you name it! Arnica plants look like daisies and have been used as a natural remedy since the 1500’s. Arnica increases blood flow around bruises and will help you heal faster after your injections. Consider taking Arnica supplements leading up to your appointment. After your injections, apply to affected area and voila!

3. Timing is Everything

We get it- you’re pressed for time before that wedding, press event, or meeting. Too often we see patients come in a day or two before a big event. Concealing a bruise is NOT an easy feat! The problem here is that we as a society want to see instant results. We forget that our skin needs time to heal to look its best. Remember to plan your treatments in advance (we recommend at least two to three weeks) to avoid having nasty bruising for your big day. The bruising may fade, but the pictures will last a lifetime!

4. Keep Sores at Bay

If you’re like many women, you get cold sores easily. It’s possible that the foreign body (needle) entering your lip can cause cold sore. The last thing you want is a cold sore and intense bruising after injections. It’s advisable to have your doctor prescribe you an antiviral to fight off any potential viruses.

5. Cut the Painkillers Beforehand

If you normally take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Advil or any sort of blood thinners, lay off the week or so before and after your treatment. These blood thinners typically result in triple the healing time and more intense bruising. The bruises will fade, but it will take much longer.


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