Your Questions About Dermal Fillers: Answered

Have you thought about trying dermal fillers? We’ve compiled some insider tips to help you ensure that you’re as prepared and in-the-know as possible before your appointment!

1. What’s in a dermal filler?

Dermal fillers are made from Hyaluronic Acid, which occurs naturally (and can be found in many moisturizers and anti-aging beauty products). When injected, this acid is accepted easily by our skin, as we produce it naturally! With age, we produce less and less.

2. What will it look like?

You’re wondering if you’ll walk out of the office with an all too familiar, puffy, unnatural look? Don’t fret, because dermal fillers will give you that natural boost you’re looking for. They’re made to be unnoticeable in the best of ways.

3. What if I don’t like the way I look after?

The thing about these fillers is that they are totally adjustable. Your doctor can always add additional filler for balance, or you can have your filler dissolved by injecting an enzyme that breaks down the hyaluronic acid.

4. Are there limitations to when I can get injections?

As in most procedures, there are a couple of limitations. Do not receive injections if you are: breastfeeding, pregnant, or have an infection or sinus issues.

5. Will they last forever?!

They say nothing good lasts forever, and dermal fillers are no exception to this rule. The hyaluronic acid breaks down after about 6 months, so you will need to come in a couple of times per year to keep up. The plus side here is that since they aren’t permanent, you always have the choice to continue or not, with no repercussions.

6. How do I choose the best filler for me?

Your medical professional will help you choose which type of filler is best for your needs. Different fillers have different concentrations and uses.


Pre & Post-Injection Care: How To Avoid Those Pesky Bruises